Half of the Hongkongers surveyed for Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI)’s year-end review and forecast have said they were “dissatisfied” with the city’s development over the past 12 months. But a majority expected things would improve in 2023.

Hong Kong Harbour view stock photo - poll - survey - PORI
File photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.

PORI revealed its annual year-end survey results on Tuesday. The pollster successfully interviewed 1,004 Cantonese-speaking residents aged 18 or above by random telephone survey in early December to discover what people thought about the year that is ending and the future.

Thirty per cent of respondents told PORI they were “satisfied” with Hong Kong’s development over the past year, while 50 per cent said they were “dissatisfied.”

The sentiment was similar to last year, when 26 per cent said they were “satisfied” and 52 per cent said the opposite.

But in the latest survey, 57 per cent of interviewees said they expected Hong Kong’s overall development to be better next year, while 28 per cent said they thought it would be worse. That marks a “net optimism” of positive 28 percentage points, the highest since 2009, according to PORI.

On a personal level, an equal number of respondents said they had been “happy” as “unhappy” over the past year, with both responses recording 36 per cent.

PORI said the situation had “improved significantly compared to last three years,” as similar year-end surveys showed that the majority of respondents had been “unhappy” throughout 2019 to 2021.

More than half of the interviewees also said they believed their personal development would improve in 2023, with only 15 per cent saying they expected matters to become worse for themselves.

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Peter Lee is a reporter for HKFP. He was previously a freelance journalist at Initium, covering political and court news. He holds a Global Communication bachelor degree from CUHK.