Three student activists staged a demonstration outside the US consulate in Hong Kong on Saturday in support of abortion rights.

abortion us protest
Activists protest in favour of abortion at the US consulate. Photo: Supplied.

Earlier this month, the US Supreme Court confirmed the authenticity of a leaked draft opinion suggesting that Roe Vs. Wade – a case that gave rise to the legalisation of abortion – would soon be overturned. At least 26 states are likely to ban abortion if Roe Vs. Wade is struck down.

Hong Kong police and consulate security allowed the protest to take place in a cordoned-off area outside the building on Garden Road. One placard read: “Keep abortion safe and legal.”

18-year-old American student Uma Fox told HKFP that her protest was a small act, but solidarity was needed: “I’ve often witnessed the apathy of the local American community to issues back home. But the current threat on rights to abortion makes it clear we need to stand for our fundamental rights, even while overseas.”

abortion us protest
Activists protest in favour of abortion at the US consulate. Photo: Supplied.

In a statement, the trio said they stood “against the leaked Roe verdict that puts women, femmes, gender non-conforming people and trans men at immeasurable risk.”

“[I]t’s imperative for expats and other people with privilege to demonstrate, to organise, and to speak up… we need joint action to fight for our rights,” the statement said. “I was reenergised by the support we got from passers-by, the conversations we had with consulate officials, and the hope that we spread the message that the world will keep watching what the US government does.”

abortion us protest
Activists protest in favour of abortion at the US consulate. Photo: Supplied.

The students said they were unable to leave an open letter at the consulate, but had shared it online. It called for legal protections for abortion and urged congresspeople to take action to preserve Roe Vs. Wade.

HKFP has reached out to the US consulate for comment.

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