The 2022 budget presented by Hong Kong’s finance secretary on Wednesday has received a 42 per cent satisfaction rate, a poll has found.

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute published preliminary results of a telephone poll conducted shortly after the city’s finance chief Paul Chan presented the last budget of his current term.

Budget 2022 Paul Chan journalist press
Financial Secretary Paul Chan holds a press conference on February 23, 2022 after delivering the 2022-2023 Budget. Photo: Paul Chan, GovHK.

Of 797 Cantonese-speaking respondents surveyed, 10 per cent said they were “very satisfied” with the budget proposals, and 32 per cent indicated they were “somewhat satisfied.”

Thirteen per cent said they were “very dissatisfied” and 14 per cent of those surveyed said they were “somewhat dissatisfied.”

The respondents gave the budget plan an average score of 51.8 out of 100, up from last year’s 36.4 points.

The 2022 budget was laden with sweeteners for ordinary Hongkongers, including HK$10,000 consumption coupons, salaries tax cuts, lowered threshold for transport subsidies, and subsidised residential electricity bills. Hong Kong landlords will also be banned from terminating tenancies or taking legal action against business tenants from specific sectors for up to six months.

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