The Hong Kong Observatory hoisted the Tropical Cyclone signal 1 warning at 4:15pm on Friday ahead of the three-day holiday weekend.

The Observatory said the tropical depression is expected to be 500 km south-southwest of Hong Kong later in the evening. Strong winds and occasional squally showers are expected.

HKMAO typhoon
Photo: Windy screenshot.

The standby signal will remain in force throughout the evening. A thunderstorm warning was also hoisted at 3:25pm.

hko forecast
Photo: HKO.

“The tropical cyclone over the South China Sea will move gradually in the general direction of Hainan Island to Beibu Wan in the next couple of days,” the Observatory said.

Photo: HKO.

“It will be windier over the coast of Guangdong tomorrow. There will be squally showers over the weekend. With an anticyclone aloft strengthening gradually early to midweek next week, showers will ease off and it will be brighter over the region.”

Signal 1 means a tropical cyclone is within 800 km of Hong Kong and may affect the city.

Hong Kong’s typhoon signals range from one to 10, with 10 being the most severe.

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Rhoda Kwan is HKFP's Assistant Editor. She has previously written for TimeOut Hong Kong and worked at Meanjin, a literary journal. She holds a double bachelor’s degree in Law and Literature from the University of Hong Kong.