In September, the University of Hong Kong acquired photos from photojournalist Frank Fischbeck documenting the evolution of colonial Hong Kong over the past century.

Old Hong Kong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.

The images trace the city’s development from the days of rickshaws, through the Japanese Occupation, to the eve of the 1997 handover. 3,000 photographs are available for public viewing on the university’s virtual exhibition.

Old Hong Kong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong buffalo
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong Junk war
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong war bomb
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong war bomb
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
China Mao ZeDong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Christ patten old Hong Kong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Anson Chan Chris Patten Margaret ThatcherAnson Chan Chris Patten Margaret Thatcher
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong rain bagpipes
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.
Old Hong Kong
Photo: Frank Fischbeck Collection/The University of Hong Kong.

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