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With freelance journalists increasingly in the crosshairs, HKFP has launched a new Freelance Charter to attract, protect and support journalists as well as to help enrich and diversify our coverage.

We invite freelance journalists with a track record to pitch features on Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. We also invite videographers and experienced editors to get in touch if they wish to be added to our day rate database.

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HKFP remains a small company on a tight budget, but the charter represents a step forward in setting new standards and is based on The Guardian’s guidelines. As we grow in the coming years, we hope to review and expand our terms and fees.

As part of our 2020 relaunch and expansion, HKFP is also recruiting senior full-time staff – an experienced editor and journalist.

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Whether it be covering elections, questioning top officials, producing breaking news from court or live-streaming from protest sites, HKFP’s hard-working team is on the front line of Hong Kong’s political twists and turns every day. All HKFP staff have a high level of responsibility, independence and complete freedom to chase their own stories – we have no junior staff, and there is no such thing as a “slow news day.” If you thrive in a fast-paced environment, want to launch your career, or wish to help shape the future of the city’s most independent English-language newsroom, consider applying to join our team.

HKFP offers competitive salary and terms. Deadline: September 30.

HKFP is a member of the Rory Peck Trust committee, which seeks to support freelance videographers.

Founded in 2015, Hong Kong Free Press is an impartial, non-profit, award-winning English-language newspaper. Run by journalists, backed by readers and 100% independent, HKFP is governed by a public Code of Ethics. If there are uncertainties relating to safety or security, we may use an "HKFP Staff" byline. More on our Ethics & Policies.