[Graphic pictures] Pro-democracy district councillor Andrew Chiu’s ear reattachment surgery has failed after an attack earlier in the month.

Chiu, 34, had part of his left ear bitten off by a man in Tai Koo on November 3 moments after the assailant allegedly slashed several others with a knife. The attack was one of the most brutal moments in Hong Kong’s 24 weeks of protests calling for democratic reform and police accountability.

Andrew Chiu attacked november 3
Andrew Chiu attacked. Photo: inmediahk.net.

The Democratic Party member was hospitalised and underwent a three and a half hour operation to reconnect the detached ear soon after the attack. He has remained in the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital since.

But surgeons could only reconnect one of the ear’s blood vessels and, as a result, it gradually turned purple and black over the course of a week, a statement from Chiu on Wednesday said.

“Doctors said the soft bone could not receive adequate nutrients, causing it to decay and die. The auricle needs to be removed,” he said.

Chiu said doctors will decide on the next course of action after the dead part of the ear has been removed and the wound has healed.

Andrew Chiu ear
Photo: Andrew Chiu.

Chiu said that on the night of the incident he was trying to prevent residents from being injured. He also condemned the assailant of his attack for harming others in the area.

“I am worried there will be more casualties and I urge residents and young people to protect themselves. They cannot underestimate the violence and fierceness of the regime,” he said.

Chiu is running in the District Council election’s Tai Koo Shing West constituency. Kacee Ting of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong is also running against him.

Chiu said he has to remain in the hospital for the time being. He added he believed residents will elect their representative in the election on the basis of their conscience as well as the past work of the candidates.

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Kris Cheng is a Hong Kong journalist with an interest in local politics. His work has been featured in Washington Post, Public Radio International, Hong Kong Economic Times and others. He has a BSSc in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Kris is HKFP's Editorial Director.