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The Shorties Film Festival came to a close earlier this month, with winners from Japan, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong. HKFP was a media sponsor.

“We can’t thank everyone enough who came out to support The Hive’s creative community throughout the week of Shorties. It was truly an incredible sight to witness people come together through supporting creative entrepreneurs,” a spokesperson for The Hive said.

shorites film festival

The winners:

Best Short Film: The Widow by Kenjo McCurtain (Japan) and Best Film Editing: The Widow by Kenjo McCurtain (Japan).
shorites film festival
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Best Film Directing: Async by Bank Tangjaitrong (Thailand).
shorites film festival
Award received by Bank’s film crew.

Best Original Screenplay: Pa by Sabrina Poon (Singapore).
shorites film festival

Best Cinematography: Wasabia Japonica by Edwin Lee (Hong Kong)
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Award received by Edwin’s representatives.
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