Shoppers looked on helplessly at a Mui Wo supermarket over the festive break as three stray Lantau cows browsed the fresh grocery aisle.

cows lantau parknshop
Cheuk Nang Chan, screenshot via Facebook.

Videos posted by Facebook user Cheuk Nang Chan appeared to show a trio of bovines happily munching on fruit and chilled goods as fellow customers at Fusion went about their business.

The clips had been viewed over 1,000 times within a couple of hours of being posted on Thursday evening.

“It is suspected that the cows accidentally broke into the store and left soon [after],” a spokesperson for Park’n’Shop – which operates Fusion – told HKFP on Friday. “We have disposed [of] the concerned fruits and deep cleaned the concerned fruit shelving. We have also reported the case to police for handling.”

Hong Kong’s country parks are home to more than 1,200 cattle. Many are tagged and sterilised in order to manage the population.

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