Macau’s security minister has said that authorities are currently conducting an analysis of intelligence relating to national security.

The Special Administrative Region’s Secretary for Security Wong Sio-chak said it was the international norm that such cases would only be announced when they are brought to court, and they would not be announced during the investigation stage, Macaunese media outlet TDM reported.

Wong said Macau’s safety is linked to the country’s safety and the SAR has a responsibility to conduct legislative, law enforcement and judicial work according to its national security law enacted in 2009. He said that the main goals of the work were of a preventative nature, and punishments would only be made if necessary.

Wong Sio-chak
Wong Sio-chak. File Photo: Macau government.

“The threats that the country has faced over the years are very obvious to see,” Wong said during a Tuesday press conference on this year’s crime figures.

“[In examining the] national security risk, we cannot limit the scope to within Macau. Of course, there are signs in Macau, which we are investigating,” Wong said. “Macau is a part of China. We need to stand from the viewpoint of China, and conduct the relevant investigative and judicial work in accordance with Macau’s laws.”

Wong also said that the Macau government was studying the formation of departments for anti-terrorism and the protection of national security under the city’s Judiciary Police.

People's Liberation Army Macau Garrison Judiciary Police
Visit by the People’s Liberation Army Macau Garrison to the city’s Judiciary Police in August 2014. File Photo: Macau government.

Wong said that the departments, if they are set up, will be law enforcement agencies which will select outstanding and experienced investigators to join.

He said the potential departments would be different from the top-level commission to protect national security announced on Monday and to be established next month. Wong will be the vice-chair of the commission, which will be a decision making body, instead of a law enforcement body.

Kris Cheng is a Hong Kong journalist with an interest in local politics. His work has been featured in Washington Post, Public Radio International, Hong Kong Economic Times and others. He has a BSSc in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Kris is HKFP's Editorial Director.