US President Donald Trump has said that China’s move to scrap term-limits, clearing the way for its leader Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely, is “great.”

xi jinping donald trump
US President Donald Trump (L) gestures next to China’s President Xi Jinping during a business leaders event at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on November 9, 2017. File photo: Nicolas Asfouri/AFP.

During a closed-door event in Florida on Saturday, Trump suggested that he would not mind an unlimited remit himself: “Don’t forget China’s great… and Xi is a great gentleman – he’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.”

Tapes of the speech were obtained by CNN: “He’s the most powerful president in 100 years… you know, person… in 100 years, in China. And he treated us tremendously well when I went over there.”

The official Xinhua news agency reported last Sunday that the party’s Central Committee has proposed removing from the constitution a stipulation stating that the president and vice-president “shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.”

Trump was speaking about Xi to Republican donors during a fundraiser at his Mar-a-logo estate.

‘Decision for China’

On Tuesday, the White House said that the matter of term limits was an internal matter for Beijing, and Trump supported them for the US.

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“I believe that’s a decision for China to make,” said spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. “The president has talked about term limits in a number of capacities during the campaign and something that he supports here in the United States, but that’s a decision that’s up to China.”

Tom founded Hong Kong Free Press in 2015 and is the editor-in-chief. In addition to editing, he is responsible for managing the newsroom and company - including fundraising, recruitment and overseeing HKFP's web presence and ethical guidelines.

He has a BA in Communications and New Media from Leeds University and an MA in Journalism from the University of Hong Kong. He previously led an NGO advocating for domestic worker rights, and has contributed to the BBC, Deutsche Welle, Al-Jazeera and others.