Carrie Lam says her Lunar New Year message had to be shot twice, ahead its distribution on Thursday. The video was reportedly edited with new clips to avoid being seen as over-joyful, following the recent Tai Po bus crash that killed 19 and injured over 60.

Lam appeared in the official video for the Year of the Dog in a blue qipao and a white jacket, whilst her husband Lam Siu-por donned a black suit and green tie.

CE 2018-02-15

今年嘅行政長官新年賀辭短片拍咗兩次,多謝各位同事靈活應變,亦多謝好低調嘅林生再次粉墨登場。祝願世界和平共融、香港繁榮安定、市民安居樂業!新年賀辭連結新年賀辭 #世界和平 #繁榮安定 #安居樂業 #香港警犬隊 #CarrieLam

Posted by 林鄭月娥 Carrie Lam on Wednesday, 14 February 2018

But in an behind-the-scenes clip she posted on her Facebook account, Mrs Lam was wearing a pink qipao, whilst Mr Lam was sporting a red tie.

“This year’s Chief Executive Lunar New Year message had to be shot twice – I thank my colleague for being flexible, and I also thank the low-profile Mr Lam for appearing on screen again. I wish for world peace, a prosperous and stable Hong Kong, and good lives for our residents,” she said on Facebook.

In the video message, Lam said: “The Lunar New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people. Though busy, as we all are, I always make time to do shopping and decorate my home for the New Year to get myself in the festive spirit.”

YouTube video

“This year is the Year of the Dog. Faithful and gentle, dogs have always been our best friends. More than that, police dogs are police officers’ wonderful workmates and provide loyal service to the Force. They help the police maintain law and order, making Hong Kong a safe place to live and work.”

The video showed footage of an officer playing with a police dog at Government House.

Police Dog
Photo: Screenshot.

“I am honoured to extend my New Year greetings to you for the first time in my capacity as the Chief Executive. I wish Hong Kong prosperity, stability, progress and success in the year ahead,” she said. “We wish you all a healthy and happy Year of the Dog.”

Kris Cheng is a Hong Kong journalist with an interest in local politics. His work has been featured in Washington Post, Public Radio International, Hong Kong Economic Times and others. He has a BSSc in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Kris is HKFP's Editorial Director.