Former finance secretary and chief executive candidate John Tsang has joined a campaign to promote a charity for people with visual impairments, while pledging to continue “working alongside Hongkongers” to make the city a better place.

In a video posted on Facebook on Monday that has since attracted over 26,000 likes and reactions, Tsang gave updates on his recent endeavours, as well as his future plans.

john tsang chong chan yau
Chong Chan-yau and John Tsang. Photo: John Tsang via Facebook.

Tsang said that he has attended various events over the past couple of months, played the role of a taxi driver – referring to his involvement in a project with social enterprise Diamond Cab – and interacted with young people in the city. “I don’t feel like I’ve retired at all,” he said.

“Of course, what I care most about is still Hong Kong and Hongkongers,” he said. “There has been a lot of negative news in society recently, and a lot of people feel upset when they go onto Facebook.”

“But at the same time, there are a lot of good-hearted people hoping to contribute to different fields in society, and they should not be ignored,” Tsang said.

john tsang
John Tsang in a video on Monday. Photo: John Tsang via Facebook.

“In the coming days, I’ll be cooperating with different organisations, making use of my knowledge and experience to continue working alongside Hongkongers. In five years, Hong Kong will most definitely be better.”

Tsang posted a second video on Tuesday, saying that he had not expected such support. Tsang revealed that he is working with Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong founder Chong Chan-yau to promote the charity for people with visual impairments.

“Even though our political views are sometimes different, when he invited me to help raise money for the charity, I said yes right away, because I believe that people with disabilities can also do their part for Hong Kong.” Tsang added that he took part in the charity’s Concert in the Dark event as a singer last week.

Tsang said he very much agreed with the concept behind the charity, which was to enable people with disabilities to realise their dreams and potential, as well as encourage communication and foster understanding in society.

Tsang served as the finance secretary of Hong Kong from 2007-2017. He ran for chief executive this year and ultimately lost to former chief secretary Carrie Lam, who had Beijing’s backing. However, Tsang was widely seen as the most popular candidate.

Karen is a journalist and writer covering politics and legal affairs in Hong Kong for HKFP. She has also written features on human rights, public space, regional legal developments, social and grassroots activism, and arts & culture. She is a BA and LLB graduate from the University of Hong Kong.