Tommy F is a photographer and Photoshop master who specialises in creating unusual, absurd and surreal situations from the Hong Kong landscape. 

“My main goal is to make people laugh and see things from another perspective, as well as show the world how great this city is,” he told HKFP. He says that he finds inspiration everywhere, especially from movies. Though, often, his work seeks to draw attention to issues of pollution or conservation “in the hope that the image can make an impact upon people.”

Follow SurrealHK on Facebook and Instagram. Click for part 2, part 3part 4part 5 and part 6.

surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.
surrealhk photoshop master (9)
Photo: Surrealhk.

Showcasing photographic talent from Hong Kong and beyond.