Only 20 out of 50 schools participating in a revamped version of the Primary Territory-wide School Assessment (TSA) have agreed to have their names publicised, according to a document submitted to the Legislative Council on Wednesday.

Last year, many demanded the abolition of the controversial test, saying that the assessments were beyond student capabilities and that they could not complete them without practice. They also said the exams caused high levels of stress.

Only 20 school names revealed. and HKFP.

The government announced that it would cancel the tests this year and invited 50 schools to take a revamped version of the TSA in March. While many schools opted out, some also volunteered to take the new exam.

According to Ming Pao, parents have turned to Facebook to crowd-source information on which schools are participating in the TSAs this year.

More related to daily life

Students taking part in the exams this year have already taken the listening and oral tests, but have not taken the written exams.

Au Yiu-fai
Au Yiu-fai.

Earlier this month, the principal of Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School, Au Yiu-fai, said that the preliminary tests were more related to daily life than earlier TSA tests. “The Chinese picture composition version said that the father bought a new television, with a child was playing with the opened box – the students composed a story after looking at those pictures,” Au said to local media.

Chantal Yuen is a Hong Kong journalist interested in issues dealing with religion and immigration. She majored in German and minored in Middle Eastern studies at Princeton University.