Chairperson of the newly-formed pro-independence Hong Kong National Party (HKNP) Chan Ho-tin said that his party is planning to take more substantial action this coming month. He also said an “armed uprising” was unnecessary, but may be an option of last resort in the future.

The party has around 30 core members and half of them are students. Chan said during an RTHK programme on Monday that the party mainly targets young people and students and they will be handing out more flyers on the streets later this month. They also intend to host forums and organise book clubs to promote Hong Kong independence and nationalism.

Chan said that apart from himself and the party’s spokesperson Chow Ho-fai, other members will avoid showing their faces in public in the near future as it was not necessary for them to do so.

chan ho tin
Chan Ho-tin. Photo: RTHK screenshot.

Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung earlier said that Hong Kong independence was not in line with the Basic Law and the government would be keeping a close eye on the party’s movements.

See also: Pro-Beijing lawmaker says talk of independence will lead to Article 23 security law

When asked whether the act of handing out flyers would be bring the ideas promoted by the party beyond mere discussion, Chan said: “If they want to sue, then let them sue… I don’t care, I’m just going to follow through with what is planned.”

HKNP social media Banner calling for Hong Kong independence. Photo: 香港民族黨 via Facebook.

Chan said that he was not inciting others to go onto the streets with weapons as it was not necessary at this current point of time. However, he did not rule out the possibility of such action in the future, as a last resort.

“I think there is no need for an ‘armed uprising’ in Hong Kong… but we don’t rule out this possibility. If all other methods don’t work out, and an armed revolution is the last resort, then let there be an armed revolution.”

LegCo a ‘means to an end’

Chan also said that HKNP is actively considering fielding candidates in the upcoming Legislative Council elections in September, calling it a “means to an end” which could provide them with opportunities to appear on the radio and television to promote independence, Ming Pao reported.

The party has applied to register as a company but has no plans to register as a society, as the latter would require giving a lot of information to the police, Chan said.

Karen is a journalist and writer covering politics and legal affairs in Hong Kong for HKFP. She has also written features on human rights, public space, regional legal developments, social and grassroots activism, and arts & culture. She is a BA and LLB graduate from the University of Hong Kong.