Putting politics aside, LegCo arch-rivals Jasper Tsang Yok-sing and “Long Hair” Leung Kwok-hung joined forces for a TV travel show romp through Poland, where, among other things, they discussed vodka and love.

Tsang, who is no stranger to Leung’s trying demands in LegCo, seemed to have learned a trick or two from his arch-rival when pressing him to talk about his love life.

viutv leung kwok-hung jasper tsang yok-sing
New show Travel With Rivals stars Jasper Tsang and Leung Kwok-hung. Photo: ViuTV screencap, via Facebook.

“How many girlfriends do you have?” Tsang asked Leung over alcoholic shots. “What about before? What about in the past?”

Tsang also recalled Leung asking him what love is. “Who are you to teach me what love is?” Tsang retorted.

In what appears to be an astonishingly amicable trip, unlike their usually heated debates in LegCo, Leung said he wanted to buy vodka and drink with Tsang.

Tsang returned the favour, buying a rather personal gift for Leung – two bars of soap.

#跟住矛盾去旅行 曾鈺成 X 梁國雄曾主席真係好貼心,去到波蘭都諗住買番梘畀長毛(真實動作)…我覺得暖男應該係咁囉!唔知長毛又買咗啲咩禮物交換呢?不如4月6日一齊睇ViuTV一齊交換啦! Leung Kwok Hung Jasper Tsang Yok-sing#波蘭 #ViuTV #免費電視99台 #4月6日 #全港收看 #唔駛機頂盒http://www.viu.tv/

Posted by ViuTV on Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The trailer for the upcoming TV show, Travel With Rivals, recorded more than 140,000 views within four hours of publication. The first episode of the show, starring Tsang and Leung, is to air on April 6 on ViuTV, one of Hong Kong’s new TV channels.

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