A man has been filmed shouting at a crying toddler and his Mandarin-speaking mother on an East Rail Line MTR train whilst shaking the baby’s pram. The video has been circulating on social media this week, prompting some netizens to comment on the man’s over-reaction, while others criticised the mother for lacking consideration.

The toddler was bawling continuously for four stops, Mr Tsang, who took the video, told Apple Daily. “He [the man who was filmed] did not need to take such actions, but he had already asked, very nicely. Then he snapped and couldn’t control [himself],” he added.

cry baby toddler mainlander
Man seen yelling at toddler who couldn’t stop crying. Photo: screen cap from Apple Daily

It triggered a debate on social media about mainland visitors’ behaviour in public places, a recurring subject among Hong Kong netizens. One said, “he is a stranger and I wouldn’t let him touch my kid.” Another commented: “Every kid cries but crying continuously for four stops is a bit much. It’s psychological abuse.”

小朋友喊足4個站 「軍佬」爆Seed怒吼朝早11點幾,曾先生喺東鐵線落馬洲開往紅磡嘅列車,目擊同影低嘅呢一幕[#東鐵聲戰]【小朋友喊足4個站 「軍佬」爆Seed怒吼】http://bit.ly/1NRElPE====================跟實我哋【現場 - 蘋果突發】就知更多社會事#東鐵

Posted by 現場 - 蘋果突發 on Thursday, 4 February 2016

Last year, a photo showing a mother helping a child urinate on an MTR train circulated on Facebook, causing many netizens to comment that they are “uncivilised mainlanders”, Oriental Daily reported.

Kong Qingdong mainland
Kong Qingdong made remarks that Hong Kong people are “dogs”.

In 2012, a mainland mother and her children eating cup noodles on an MTR train led to a quarrel between the mother and a passenger who told her off. The incident triggered a mainland-Hong Kong squabble, with netizens from both sides hurling abuse at each other.

Peking University professor Kong Qingdong said on television that Hong Kong people are “dogs”, causing a public protest against his remarks. This deepened the anti-mainland sentiment, which had already been growing due to issues such as mainland mothers’ giving birth in Hong Kong.

Hermina is a Hong Kong writer and journalist. She graduated with a degree in politics from Cambridge, and is interested in international affairs, particularly those related to China, the EU and the Middle East. She also enjoys political satire.