A magnitude-6.4 earthquake hit northwest China’s Qinghai at 1:13am Thursday, followed by 189 aftershocks. The quake was centred at Menyuan uyghur Autonomous County with a depth of 10km.

Quake centre.
Quake centre. Photo: Google map.

Many residents in Qinghai, capital city of Xining, ran out onto the streets after feeling the strong tremor, official news agency Xinhua said.

The China Earthquake Networks Centre (CENC) measured the quake at 6.4 magnitude and the strongest aftershock at 3.9 magnitude. Authorities have activated level two earthquake emergency response. There were no immediate reports of fatalities or damage.

People going outdoor for safety.
People going outdoor for safety. Photo: Eastday.com.

According to the state broadcaster CCTV’s news website, CENC denied a rumour, which spread online, that a stronger earthquake was to come.