Hong Kongers and the city’s French community will hold a candlelit vigil on Saturday evening to show solidarity with Paris following a coordinated terror attack that left at least 127 dead. The event is to be held at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park in Sheung Wan at 8pm.

hong kong solidarity paris

Meanwhile, monuments, landmarks and buildings across the world have been lit with French tricolours in support of Paris.

paris mexico
The Mexican Senate building is illuminated with the red, white and blue colors. Photo: AFP/Yuri Cortez.
attacks paris taiwan
Taipei 101 building in Taiwan. Photo: AFP/Sam Yeh.
one world trade centre france
One World Trade Centre’s 408-Ft. spire lit in the colors of the French flag. Photo: RyoImpakt on Imgur.com.
The hockey rink of the Washington Capitals
The hockey rink of the Washington Capitals. Photo: VCUBNFO via Reddit.
dallas french flag
Downtown Dallas, USA. Photo: mattisnthere via Reddit.
san francisco
San Francisco’s City Hall. Photo: Cornloaf via Reddit.
cn tower paris
Toronto’s CN Tower in Canada. Photo: JoeGal via Reddit.

Tom founded Hong Kong Free Press in 2015 and is the editor-in-chief. In addition to editing, he is responsible for managing the newsroom and company - including fundraising, recruitment and overseeing HKFP's web presence and ethical guidelines.

He has a BA in Communications and New Media from Leeds University and an MA in Journalism from the University of Hong Kong. He previously led an NGO advocating for domestic worker rights, and has contributed to the BBC, Deutsche Welle, Al-Jazeera and others.