HKFP Occupy banner one year on

Filmmakers James Leong and Lynn Lee were assigned by Al-Jazeera English to make a 25-minute documentary about democracy in Hong Kong. The three-part series aired, but hours of dramatic footage from the Occupy protests was left over.

occupy james leong film

In the latest instalment, thousands of protesters take over Harcourt Road outside government headquarters as police attempt to remove them with tear gas. The dramatic events marked the start of months-long occupation of some of the city’s busiest streets.

YouTube video

What’s it like to be pepper sprayed? Panic and anger on the morning of September 27, 2014, as Hong Kong police attempt to remove protesters staging a sit-in outside government offices.

YouTube video

Clips, anecdotes and photographs are now being published at

See also: Part 1: The storming of Civic Square.

Guest contributors for Hong Kong Free Press.