Kowloon City district councillor and former Democratic Party member Pun Chi-man was sentenced to two months in prison on Thursday after he was found guilty of indecent assault on a married woman who went to him for help two years ago.

Pun, 58, forcefully kissed the victim, 31, three times in the stairway of a Hung Hom building in March 2013, the court found.

Defendant Poon Chi-man.
Defendant Pun Chi-man.

The former member of the Democratic Party told HKFP he will appeal the sentence.

Pun said he has not been a DP member for more than a year. He denied it’s related to his court case.

“I quit on my own. It has nothing to do with the indecent assault case.” he said.

Pun’s lawyer handed a letter from two legislative councillors and about 200 signatures to the court appealing for the judge to give leniency to the defendant considering his contribution to local communities, according to local newspaper Sky Post.

In handing down the sentence, the judge said Pun had abused the trust the victim had in him, Sky Post said.

Update (11:11am): The Democratic Party told HKFP that Pun “officially dropped out of the party last month.” The party said it will not speculate on why Pun quit.

Vivienne Zeng is a journalist from China with three years' experience covering Hong Kong and mainland affairs. She has an MA in journalism from the University of Hong Kong. Her work has been featured on outlets such as Al Jazeera+ and MSNBC.