A Chinese company has projected photos of crying children onto smoke to raise awareness of the damage air pollution causes in the country.

air pollution art project

Xiao Zhu, a company that sells air purifiers, pointed huge beams of light skyward onto the billowing plumes of factory smoke.

air pollution art project china

Pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems affecting China. According to the company’s promotional Youtube video, more than 500,000 people in China die each year from diseases caused by air pollution. Most of them are children.

The video description says: “We decided to put a spotlight on air pollution’s biggest culprits – the factories – by using the actual pollution from the factories as a medium. People took notice, and the word spread.”

The final beam of light projected onto the clouds of smoke reads “Clear the air. Let the future breathe again”.

YouTube video

Vicky is a British-born Chinese journalist with three years of experience covering UK politics. She previously worked for PoliticsHome and has interned at Sky News and CNN International. She also co-produced and filmed a documentary about the Hong Kong protests for MSNBC, which won the grand student prize at the 2015 Human Rights Press Awards. She has a BA in Politics and International Relations from the University of Reading and moved to Hong Kong in 2014 to complete a journalism masters at the University of Hong Kong.