A truck decapitated a motorbike rider while reversing in Jinan city on Wednesday night.

The accident, which occurred in China’s Shandong province, left the motorbike driver’s body on the scene. A gruesome picture showed his head separated from the body.

Gruesome image of driver lying on the ground
Gruesome image of the dead driver. Photo: Sina News

The truck’s driver left the scene after the crash.

Police said they were able to track down the driver after seeing tyre marks on the floor and checking surveillance videos.

Jinan city police

Police said: “[The truck] drove along Jingshisi Road until it reached the road junction. The truck was parked next to the road. The truck hit the motorbike when it reversed”.

The driver explained that he did not realise the truck had hit a motorbike while reversing. He added that he rushed to leave the scene because someone demanded he pay a penalty for unauthorised parking at the spot.

arrested driver Jinan city

Police added that causing death by dangerous driving can lead to one to three years imprisonment.

Eric is currently a Bachelor of Journalism student at the University of Hong Kong. Eric has his finger on the pulse of Hong Kong events and politics. His work has been published on The Guardian, Reuters and ABC News (America).