Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man returned to work on Monday two weeks after he fell at a community health run and sustained face injuries. Still sporting visible scars on his face and nose, Ko told reporters he was grateful to medical workers who treated him on site and at the North District Hospital.

ko wing man injury
Ko speaks two weeks after getting injured, with visible scars on his faOnce. Photo: StandNews.

The 58-year-old tripped and fell at the start of the North District Race for a Healthy and Rich Lifestyle in Sheung Shui on December 6. Video footage of the incident showed Ko bled profusely after his face landed on the running track. The health minister later emerged from a temporary first aid station with bandages around his head.

On the government’s voluntary health insurance scheme, Ko said he “does not have absolute confidence” that legislation on the scheme will be completed within the tenure of this administration. Ko added the government will continue to work with the health industry to find consensus on the issue.

“The direction of our medical reform will be based on the current co-development system of public and private hospitals… the government will continue to put resources into expanding public health facilities.”

Vivienne Zeng is a journalist from China with three years' experience covering Hong Kong and mainland affairs. She has an MA in journalism from the University of Hong Kong. Her work has been featured on outlets such as Al Jazeera+ and MSNBC.