A man in China has launched a legal challenge against a “conversion clinic”, which uses electroshock therapy to “cure” homosexuality. In a report by Al Jazeera’s digital channel AJ+, Yanzi Peng successfully challenged the clinic in a landmark case. A court declared that being gay was not an illness and that “gay treatments” were illegal.

man fights gay treatments in china

Pressured by traditional family values, Peng went to a “conversion clinic” in February 2014 hoping to be “cured” of homosexuality.

man fights gay conversion clinic

“The consultant hypnotised me and asked me to think about the sense of having sex with men. Then he electric-shocked me,” Peng said.

gay man in china fights conversion clinic

The clinic insisted the treatment was effective as long as “patients” cooperated.

gay man fights conversion clinic in china

Peng decided to sue the clinic and search engine Baidu for advertising the service. In December 2014, a court ruled in favour of Peng.

YouTube video

“We can use the (court) results to tell everybody that, especially tell the parents in China gay cannot be changed,” he said.

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